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About Tax


Tax is a mandatory fee paid people to the state and will be used for the benefit of the government and the general public.
The characteristics of the tax ;
1.    Taxation can be imposed
      means IF NOT pay taxes taxpayer will be penalized
2.      do not get reciprocal directly
      meaning that taxpayers have benefited from the government such as  public facilities
3.     Taxes used for public interest
     The government collects taxes to finance road infrastructure services, health, education, and               security
4.      Taxes levied under legislation
      to maintain order and protect people from the tax that arbitrary
Terms of Tax Collection ;
1.      Justice
       taxation should be equitable and adapted to the ability of an individual taxpayer
2.       Juridical
       the collection of taxes in accordance with the law
3.       Economical/ ekonomis
      taxation should not interfere with the smooth operation of production and trade
4.       Financial
      collecting taxes must be effectively and efficiently as possible, so that the state treasury is greater
5.       Simple
       simple tax system will facilitate and encourage the public to pay taxes
types of taxes 
1.       By way of tax collection
  •  Direct taxes ; tax to be paid by the taxpayer concerned. For example, income tax
  •  Indirect taxes ; tax payment can be delegated to others. For example, the addition of value or  vat
2.       By its nature
  • Subjective tax ; taxes that pay attention to the financial condition of the taxpayers.
  • Objective tax; tax which does not consider the financial condition of the taxpayer. For example, when you buy goods in the mall, you will be charged VAT. VAT included into the objektif tax
3.       By who collect taxes
  • State tax ; taxes collected by the central government
  • Local tax;  taxes collected by the lokal government
tax functions 
1.       Budgetary
      taxes as a source of state revenue in order to make the position of budget revenue and expenditure       experiencing balance
2.       Regulation or set
       taxes are used as a tool to organize or carry out state policy in the field of social and economic
3.       Distribusion or equalization
      it can be used to balance and adjust the revenue-sharing with the public welfare
4.       Stabilization
      taxes are used to stabilize the economic situation. 

tax collection system
       tax collection system authorizes the government (tax officials) to determine the amount of tax              payable on the taxpayer
       tax collection system authorizes taxpayers to calculate their own, self-reported, and pay the tax            due should be paid 
       Withholding System ; tax collection system authorizes another party or a third party to cut and              gather the amount of tax payable by the taxpayer.

Understanding Taxes, Function, and Type-Kind. Understanding Taxes, Function, and Type-Kind .Retrieved march 22,2015 from
The characteristics of taxes.The characteristics of taxes .Retrieved september 8,2015 from
Diansya, I.N. (2012, march 30 ).Terms of tax collection. Retrieved from
Siboro, R.P. (2013 ). The types of taxes and explanations. Retrieved from
Fathoni, A. (2015 ). Functions & types of taxes. Retrieved from
Laowe, J. (2013, January ). Tax Collection System. Retrieved from


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