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Making Decision and Making Money

Making decision is very important in our lives. Making decisions is where we chose the alternative of some alternative choices. In our lives, we would never make good decisions and bad. A decision we make can affect our future. In life we ​​need to make a decree that our actions in the future be more focused, to accelerate the resolution of the problem and to estimate the new problems that might arise from the alternative we choose. How to make decisions, namely
1. Identify the problem
2. Gather information and a list of possible alternatives
3. Consider the consequences of each alternative
4. choose the best course of action
5. Evaluating the results
For example, when you want to work, but your parents want you to go to college. So, we must look for alternatives so that we can work and study. we can create an alternative that we study at night and work in the morning or by working for 2 years and then after that lecture. Of the two options, we can choose the alternative that we think is most appropriate. I thought I was going to college at night and work in the morning. I did not choose the second option because I think I would forget the lessons and in the end I'm also not going to college because the focus of the work.
factors affecting the decision is
1. Value
2. family
3. habbits
4. Peer
5. Risks and Consequences
Decision-making is inevitably influenced by things like that, for example, when we want to continue school. We are definitely going to talk first with our families. Does anyone they think about the decisions we take this. Thus, in every decision there will be things that affect it.
In every decision there must be a risk. can be good or bad decisions in an organization or for yourself. Decision-making should be planned carefully so that the small risk that we do not make the wrong decision.

At the moment we want to make money, we should have a plan on how we should make money. Therefore, the process of making money with regard to our careers planning in the future. in the process of career planning to do is we have to know who we particularly our ability, we also need to find out which companies are suitable to us, and make the decision of what direction our next after that, we started to build our choices. When all that was done, we just need to develop our careers so we can occupy a higher position. Career planning is the process by which one to choose career goals and career paths to achieve goals in life.
The success of a person's career is influenced by things as follows:
a. His formal education
b. work experience
c. The attitude of his superiors
d. his performance
e. weights job
f. The existence of a vacancy
g. productivity works
when we can make money then the next thing is we have to mengetahui for what all the money. we should be able to allocate that money into our savings, so it can be useful for our future.


  1. Hi Vega....

    Thanks for sharing the information and your experience!
    Surely, it will be useful for the us.

    - The first letter of subject must be written i "capital letter"
    - Use "plural tobe/are" for "plural subject/factors"

    For examples:
    - factors affecting the decision is (incorrect)
    - Factors affecting the decision are (correct)

    The more we practice, the better it will be. Never give up and improve your English!


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