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Consumer Privacy

consumer privacy , the protection and handling of personal information of consumers regarding the transactions made through electronic media and word of mouth. why keep important consumer privacy ? because as a manufacturer we have to maintain consumer privacy data security that our customers do not migrate to a competitor to build consumer confidence in our products. we also have to give the rights and obligations of consumers so that consumers feel that we fulfill all who desire it. The basic provisions of the privacy policy is good and what to watch 1.              Look A privacy policy should be clear, with a sentence that you can easily understand what information is collected and how it is used. 2.              Selection Each visitor is given the opportunity to decide how the information is collected himself. In online use, especially if the site is planning to use personal data for other purposes such as buying and selling databases, etc. 3.           
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In Trouble

Attitude when we are facing a big problem 1.    quiet so you can think positively and can reduce your anger. 2.    refrain so that our thinking is not severe and our thoughts are also controlled. 3.    thanksgiving You can give thanks in all things, both storms or when we are happy. 4.    patient patience in the face of everything that happens makes us able to survive in the face of problems. 5.    do something useful when we face a problem we have to do things that are useful. for example, read, listen to music, etc. 6.    pray we pray to be able to expect good things to happen and the problems we face can be solved. what do you do if you are in trouble ? 1.              Run when you are in trouble, you have to walk as far as possible from the problem. but if you run away from the problem, the problem you face will not be completed. 2.              Hide when you are in trouble, you can hide from the problem. but when you hide, you have to think

Saving and Investing

  Investment is to spend some money or save money on something with the hope of one day earn financial benefits. Examples of such investment is the purchase of financial assets such as bonds, stocks, insurance. Can also purchase in the form of goods such as cars or property such as a house or land. Saving money is to save money or valuables in the piggy bank, bank, postal and other safe place. We saved up to anticipation when in need of money and be more independent. What is the difference saving and investment savings are set aside or save some of the money from income to meet short-term needs. While investment is that you allocate your money to purchase or add to your assets as an addition to revenue to meet long-term needs of your future. advantages and disadvantages saving and investment ? 1.              Saving in the bank Advantages 1.         earn interest If you save money in the bank, you will get interest 2.         security your mone

Consumer Awareness

What is consumer Awareness ? Consumer awareness refers to the understanding by a consumer of their rights in regards to a product or service being marketed or sold, enabling buyers to get the most from what they purchase. Tips be a smart consumer 1.              Be careful before buying when you buy an item, you must check the expiration date and the defective products or failure of such items. 2.              Make sure the product quality assurance SNI when meembeli product, make sure that the product has been checked for quality standards. So it is safe for consumption. Do not buy products that do not exist SNI. 3.              Pay attention to the label and expiration date when buying that product that the product is no more to check the expiry date. If you buy products that have expired, be sure to return the product to place of purchase and do not consume it. 4.              Buy corresponding needs not want. You buy a product that fits

The Influence of Advertising

Advertising is the information that invites the public to purchase goods and services offered. Ads are usually mounted in newspapers, magazines, and place public areas. Advertisement characteristics 1.             Communicative 2.              Informative 3.     The language is easy to understand and remember the people 4.             Attract attention and be invited viewers / readers to purchase / use of goods or services that have been advertised Requirements advertisement 1.              Words and language are organized and do not have a double interpretation. 2.              The language used attractive and easily remembered by the public. 3.              Not insulting or degrading to similar products from other companies. 4.              Do not lie, become bright. 5.              Ads must be done with respect to grammar, ethics, manners, target markets, and others. What is the effect of advertising on lifestyle ? When people see the advertisemen