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Saving and Investing

 Investment is to spend some money or save money on something with the hope of one day earn financial benefits. Examples of such investment is the purchase of financial assets such as bonds, stocks, insurance. Can also purchase in the form of goods such as cars or property such as a house or land.

Saving money is to save money or valuables in the piggy bank, bank, postal and other safe place. We saved up to anticipation when in need of money and be more independent.

What is the difference saving and investment
savings are set aside or save some of the money from income to meet short-term needs. While investment is that you allocate your money to purchase or add to your assets as an addition to revenue to meet long-term needs of your future.

advantages and disadvantages saving and investment ?
1.             Saving in the bank
1.        earn interest
If you save money in the bank, you will
get interest
2.        security
your money will be safe, because you do
not need to carry cash but debit cards
3.        The free trade
you are free to transact wherever and whenever you wish.
4.        simple and practical
You just need to go to the bank to save money and you can withdraw at any ATM, and you do not need to bring a lot of money if you want to trade in large quantities.
5.        The long-term savings
Saving money in the bank no time limit, so you can save money in the long term.
1.        administrative costs
we save money in the bank and the bank will deduct the balance of our savings each month for administrative costs.
2.    failure to thrive
Your balance will increase if you continue to put money in the bank, if not then your money will be reduced because the tires every month exactly cut your balance.
3.        The small flowers
of interest given by banks only slightly. so do not expect the bank will give you a lot of interest.
4.        withdrawal limit
there are restrictions when withdrawing money at an ATM, for example, only $ 5,000,000.
5.        Queued
when you save, you have to queue first.

2.             Investment to Property
1.    small risk
if we are buying a house as an investment. You can use your own house and can be used as a business.
2.    can be rented as extra income
if we rent out the property to another person you will get additional pengahasilan of rental properties.
1.    The large capital when you buy both land and house property requires substantial capital as property prices are very expensive.
2.    The property is not a liquid asset
when you need money, you can not easily sell the property because there are things you must do to be able to sell the property such as letters, etc.

Type of investment
1.       Deposits

         3.       Bonds
         4.       Mutual Funds
         5.       Gold
         6.        Property

How to save money for investment
1.       Define your goals
you must be able to determine what you will do in the future and you do it early. for example, you want to own a home in the future for that you should save your money to buy the house.
2.       Cut your debt
you should not have a debt due from the income you get, because you have to put it aside to pay debts.
1.             Has a budget
you must have a budget in financial management. these are necessary because, you can view and manage your expenses and your income.
4.       Wise spending
manage your finances, you should be able to manage your spending patterns. you can buy essential goods and do not buy things that are not needed.
5.       Prioritize
you make priorities of what you will do for your future. priority right thing you think is most important and main.
6.       Save for the long term
You can arrange your finances to save early on so that you can invest to earn extra income from the investment you make.


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