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Consumer Awareness

What is consumer Awareness ?

Consumer awareness refers to the understanding by a consumer of their rights in regards to a product or service being marketed or sold, enabling buyers to get the most from what they purchase.
Tips be a smart consumer
1.             Be careful before buying
when you buy an item, you must check the expiration date and the defective products or failure of such items.
2.             Make sure the product quality assurance SNI
when meembeli product, make sure that the product has been checked for quality standards. So it is safe for consumption. Do not buy products that do not exist SNI.
3.             Pay attention to the label and expiration date
when buying that product that the product is no more to check the expiry date. If you buy products that have expired, be sure to return the product to place of purchase and do not consume it.
4.             Buy corresponding needs not want.
You buy a product that fits your needs, please do not buy products that do not fit your needs as wasteful.

Step to improve customer satisfaction

Why is customer satisfaction important  ?

what is the basis of customer needs ?
1.             hospitality
The attitude of the waiter friendly, cozy atmosphere presented by business owners also provide a great influence for buyers to linger choose the goods and eventually decided to buy.
2.              Empathize
Customers need to feel that the seller is able to understand or comprehend what is perceived by the customer. That means that we as a seller should be able to position ourselves as a customer. From the way that we can know what is needed by the customer.
3.             Fair
Customers will feel annoyed when their services indicate a difference in the classroom. for example, a customer is given a cheaper price than customer B
4.             Management
you should be able to arrange any customer requirements. You should know that the wishes of customers every day will change.
5.             give alternative options
Customers need to feel a few options for getting what they want fulfilled. Customers could be a layman who does not understand anything he wanted. For this reason our task as a seller offers several options so that customers can freely choose.
6.             Information
you must be able to provide accurate information about the products that you offer.

Categories in the concept of consumer awareness:
1.           Information
Sellers provide accurate information about the products offered such as price, color, form, usability, etc.
2.           Choices
the seller can provide to consumers a choice 
of products if consumers are confused to 
buy which.
3.           Safety
products sold have a qualified quality.
The product can be consumed and have 
ISO quality assurance standards.
4.            Heard
consumer complaints heard by the seller so the 
seller can provide a better service. Sellers can provide the needs of consumers.information, choice, safety and the right to be heard.

How to create loyalty consumer


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