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Bank Service

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Types of bank services is
    1.    Transfers
   Transfer is a remittance service either inside the country or outside the country. For example, to send money to his father Rita Rp 5,000,000 through "bank R" through transfer services.
The means that can be used are:
-            Letter
-            Telephone
-                 Fax
-              On line computer

The advantage gained by each party, among others:
a.    For those customers will receive
-       Remittances faster
-        will be safe
-        Delivery can be done by telephone through the imposition of accounts
-       The procedure is easy and fast
b.    For banks will gain
-        Shipping cost
-       The cost of fees and commissions
-       Service to the customer

2.    Clearing
is a service of interbank settlement accounts payable by way of scrip betray one-slips to be cleared in clearing houses. Clearing participants is a bank that has obtained a license from Bank Indonesia. Interest clearing implemented by Bank Indonesia, among others:
1      .               To promote and facilitate the payment traffic demand deposits
2      .             For the calculation of the settlement of debts can be done more easily, safely         and efficiently
3      .              One of the bank services to customers
Scrip-slips to be cleared or settled in the clearing house is a script-script originating from within the city, such as:
- check
- transfer form
- bank notes
- Letter of acceptance of the proof of transfer
- Traffic girat / credit notes
There are several reasons for the refusal at the time of receiving certificates clearing-clearing in clearing entry. BG rejection or check payment due:
- Origin check or BG wrong
- The date of the check or BG has not matured
- Material no or not enough
- The amount written in numbers and letters differ
- The signature is the same / complete
- streaks or change is not signed
- Check or BG expired
- Resi has not returned
- endorsment check is not correct
- Account has been closed
- Canceled puller
- Accounts blocked by authorities
- Kindisi check or BG damaged or imperfect

3.   Collection
Collection is a service-scrip bank to charge slips to come from outside the city or abroad. Examples of when we obtain a check issued by a bank in the city of Balikpapan, a check can be cashed in Jakarta through collection services.
Scrip-scrip that can be charged through a collection such as checks, bank draft, money order, dividends. There are benefits of insako include:
1.    Customers do not need to charge the sender himself or come to his own party billed, which was somewhere else, simply by submitting the invoice to the bank.
2.    Customers can save energy and costs, and safety is assured.
The scrip-scrip that can be charged is diinkasokan or scrip-slips to come from out of town or abroad such as:
- Check
- Bilyet
- Wesel
- Receipt
- Letter of Acceptance
- Dividends
- Coupons
- Money order

4.    Safe deposit box
Safe deposit box is a given bank services to clients who require security on objects or valuable suratsurat hers. The shape of the box where there berbede size varies according to the needs of its customers. As for securities stored in the safe deposit box are:
benefits for holders of SDB are:
1.    Ensuring the confidentiality of stored goods, because the banks do not need to know the contents do not violate the rules of SDB during predetermined.
2.     Security document also assured, this is due to:
-            Advanced security equipment
-            SDB is made of fire-resistant steel
-            There are two keys which SDB can only be opened with two keys, each of which is held by banks and customers
-            Can not be opened by one of the parties, whether holders of SDB and banks.

5.   Bank card
"Plastic card" or what we call the ATM, issued by the bank concerned to its customers for use as a means of payment in places that provide this facility to the ATM.

6.    Letter Of credit
is one of the bank services provided to the public to facilitate the flow of goods, including goods in the country. The usefulness of the letter of credit is to accommodate and resolve the difficulties of the buyer (importer) and the seller (exporter) in merchandise transactions.

7.    Traveller cheque
tavelier checks known as traveler's checks or travelers checks, these checks are usually used for people who love to travel. treveller benefits of using checks, especially for those who like to travel / trip is as follows:
A.    Providing the convenience of shopping, because treveller checks can be spent or cashed in some places
B.    Reduce the risk of losing money, because any missing checks can be replaced treveller
- Provide self-confidence, because the wearer treveller presented a check prima
- Can be used as an eye injury or gifts for friends, colleagues or clients

- Usually to buy treveller check, without charge, as well as at the time of disbursement, but it really depends on Yag publish


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