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Buying a Home

This is my dream house in the future. I hope when I have enough money, I want to buy this home. Now, I would like to describe my dream house. 

This is the front of the house of my dreams. This house has a large field, a large garage, and kennels dog. There are also plants in addition to the house. From the front it looks the home has a relaxing place to enjoy the scenery outside. In the garage, I would like to have four cars and three motorcycles. In front of my house, there is a black fence with a height of 3 meters.
In the back of my house, I have a large swimming pool with plenty of chairs around the pool. I also want a large yard with overgrown many ornamental plants. In addition to ornamental plants, I want my yard overgrown with lots of fruit trees, vegetables, and flowers - flowers are pink, white,and red. I want my house have swings and there are seats in the yard to relax. 
how to save money to buy a dream house is
1.               have clear objectives
You know clearly about the things that will be discussed in a future financial plan. It would be far more effective than saving without purpose or a strong desire of self. Thus, you will try to collect your money so that you reach your destination.
2.             specify the exact amount
This will help you to be able to have the most precise picture about when and how these savings can help you have a dream home.
3.            Target savings
Apply a number of rules in the financial management by having a number of targets on a regular basis. For example, the target weekly, daily targets, and that this lainnya.Hal will make you have a good control in managing finances. Moreover, implementing a number of sanctions for yourself if at any time can not achieve these targets properly and appropriately. No need to set a number of targets that are too large, it will make you lazy to run.
4.            savings in gold
if you want to save money, preferably in the form of gold, such as jewelry. because the price of gold will continue to rise and when you sell the gold will have a high price. So gold here as your investment.
5.            manage these expenditures
You are so easy to spend some money, even without a good calculation. It is very bad, especially if you are so often do it and make it a habit in life. Immediately stop and start getting yourself to always consider and take into account every penny you remove it from the wallet.
6.           Shopping smart
Shopping activity is one of the largest expense items in financial management. Therefore, it is important to manage and do it in a smart way. Record and stacking a shopping list to the right. Always obey these notes when shopping so that expenditure remained well controlled.
7.           execute with discipline and a strong commitment
Considering the price of a house is quite high in the market. Therefore, we can be sure if this activity will require a long time. However, if it is not done from now, it could be you will never buy and own a home. Start from today and do this activity with discipline so intent on having a home can be achieved in the future.


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