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Cars and Loans

Tips on buying a new car with a loan
1.             Know your needs
Before you buy a car, you should know the purpose of buying a car and type of car you need.
2.             Examine the financial condition
You should calculate your finances well. Make sure when you buy a car with a loan, you can pay cash up front. You should be able to Define installments per month or per year According to your financial condition.
3.             Perform credit simulations
Avoid installment loans that are too big so it does not suit your financial capabilities. Avoid installment is too small, so your kredit interest not bigger.
4.             Consider other costs
You should consider whether you are going to pay to buy a car on credit.
5.             Choosing the right leasing
You have to choose the right place as the car leasing payment process, process take BPKP, ease of payment, loan interest, and car insurance.

Advantages and Disadvantages of auto loans in the bank and credit in leasing
-                 Bank
you will receive a lower interest rate. It is suitable for those who want to take a car loan with DP cheap car. If you have excess cash, you can pay off part of your loan within a certain time. This will reduce the burden installment per month.
When taking out a loan at the bank, the required process will be long and complicated. You have to take care of all the necessary documents as credit terms. By doing so, the bank will send representatives to conduct a survey. They will assess the feasibility of your collateral. The process takes a long time, because the bank running the process prudence about the completeness of documents and requirements needed.

-                 Leasing
apply for credit in leasing will make you get credit easily and quickly. The process is easy and fast for their staff leasing help you in preparing the necessary documents and requirements needed.
Although credit retrieval quick and easy, but you have to pay high interest and other costs that must be borne as provisional costs are administrative costs, insurance costs are costs incurred in case of damage or loss of the car, and the cost that is incurred fiduasi as evidence of confidence

Things to do when the car is still a credit loss
1.             Make a report to the police station
delivered clearly to the police from the color of the car, the brand, type, license plate number, to the details that are in the car.
2.             Contact the insurer
You can file an insurance claim on a car that had been stolen. Notification the insurer up to 3 x 24 hours.
3.             Prepare the necessary documents
Reports filed losses already filled out completely and signed by the insured. After that, a photocopy of the vehicle registration, photocopy license driver's , photocopy of ID card, letter of loss from the police, and a statement prepared for the survey by the insurance. As well as fill out also with proof of repayment.
4.             Blocking vehicle registration
immediately called on insurers to help create a blocking vehicle registration letter from the regional police (Polda). Blocking vehicle registration handy so you do not become a suspect when a car misappropriated by thieves. Moreover, the blocking is also useful to not pay the progressive tax when buying another car.
5.             Wait for the results to get a replacement penyelidikkan
If the supporting documents have been met, the payment or reimbursement can be done immediately. If the claim process undertaken by the rules, then starting from the submission of the documents until the reimbursement takes about 14 days.



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